Flow State Business

Effortless Elevation: The Art of Subtle Upgrades in Business

Ruby Lee

You know that feeling when a small change just seems to set everything in motion? Like when you rearrange a room or buy a new plant, and suddenly the whole space feels different, more vibrant. I’ve been playing with this idea in my own life lately—making tiny, intentional upgrades that are shifting everything in the best possible way.

In this episode, I’m sharing how these subtle changes—like treating yourself to something simple or tweaking your daily routines—can unlock a new level of flow in your business and life. It’s amazing how the little things we do can spark big transformations.

Let’s dive into how these small, everyday choices can lead to major shifts in your energy and mindset. 

What’s one small change you can make today? 💫

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00:00:00 Intro
00:00:50 How small daily upgrades, like buying a new candle, can enhance overall business flow and mindset.
00:02:50 The story of moving to Queensland, and manifesting a new home.
00:08:00 The importance of recognizing what you don’t want during the manifestation process.
00:09:50 The significance of small, intentional changes and how they lay the foundation for big things.

Welcome to the Flow State Business podcast. I'm so excited, as always, to have you here and on this show. If you are new, we are, uh, often exploring the concepts of flow state and how its impact on achieving peak performance is kind of deconstructed. You know, it's such an, ah, interesting concept as a whole and sometimes quite hard to explain because it's so intangible. Like, how do you actually explain flow and energetics? But, uh, if you've been listening to this podcast for a while, hopefully you're getting more and more in tune with that feeling of flow state and how it gets to be in your business each and every day. And we'll continue talking about that. If this is your very first episode that you have landed on, I am so sure that you are going to love it, because today we're going to be diving into how something as simple as upgrading your everyday life comforts, like treating yourself to something new, something as small as buying a new candle for yourself. How that can subtly shift your mindset and help you enhance your overall business flow that you're experiencing day to day. So tune in. I'm so excited to have a riff talk to you about what I'm doing to upgrade so many things. And do you know what? Lately, I really have been making so many of these really subtle upgrades to my life. And honestly, it is nothing too flashy. They are very small shifts that feel so right. Like, it's just things that I probably wouldn't have paid that much attention to in the past, but these tiny, almost demure changes. I'm just laughing because if you know the viral reel that's going on at the moment, like, very demure. Uh, very cute. Cutesy. Oh, I just had to chuckle at that. I had to throw the word in anyway. Very demure changes that have really sparked some of the most incredible things in my life. And literally, I'm talking, like, in the last month and how much I'm noticing around my life elevating. And it really does feel like the universe is noticing that, hey, Ruby's really starting to pay attention to all the little details, and suddenly, let's go. Let's change some of the big life changing stuff. And there are so much life changing things that are happening for me always, but especially this week. Like, I cannot even wait to tell you what's going on in my life, but a lot of it is still very much behind the scenes, and it just feels like right now, I need to keep it close. But trust me, like, I will explain everything very, very shortly once we have more things in play. But there are so many upgrades happening in my life at the moment. I am so grateful that not just does it feel like it's internal, it's starting to materialize externally, a lot of big ticket things. And one of those things is upgrading where we are living. I mean, we already live in such a beautiful house and I'm so grateful for it, but I am so ready for the next version of this. And one of the big, big things is a couple of years ago we moved to a new state in Australia. We moved to Queensland and I live on the Gold coast. It is so beautiful here. And one of the first ever places that we landed on literally had almost like a, uh, 280 degree view of the ocean. It's so stunning. And we decided to leave that place because we wanted to buy a property and the land next door was being developed. So huge massive high rise was coming up next to us. I'm like, not a vibe anymore. We're going to move. And we ended up moving only one block back from the beach. So it's like a five minute walk to the beach still. But we lost our beach view. So, um, I don't see the ocean anymore. We're in a house as opposed to the other one was like a, ah, almost like a villa up on a hill. So I mean, pros and cons to being up on a hill, please. Like riding our bikes and stuff was not a vibe, but the views, I really miss it. So anyway, I've been playing with this idea of imagine. We got to have the best of both worlds, a beautiful house. We still want to stay in the area that we're in, which is so everything that we've dreamed of and so stunning, but have the views and have space and have room for, you know, Teddy to have more of his friends over. They're over so much. We are just one of those entertaining houses for the boys, which is so cool, but I definitely don't want to lose my lounge room to screaming eight year old boys every single week, multiple times a week. So ideally a separate rumpus room or a family room where they can just have it to themselves. Anyway, I wanted to tell the story about how small changes elevates everything in your life and we'll go into a lot more detail around some of the things that I'm upgrading. And I want to give you inspiration on the small, subtle things that you can change as well. But we have to start with the story because we always do. So the other day we decided that we were going to sell one of our investment properties to upgrade our entire living scenario, which is so exciting. I love property talk, and it always just makes me so happy when we're selling at a high, you know, like, we just know that it's a really good time to let this particular property go. So in saying so, ah, all this stuff's happening. We started speaking to some real estate agents, and things are now moving. Like, the property is off market, on market, if you know what I mean. We're moving things in that direction. And I'm so excited. Like, we're literally a day away from having the property being shown for the first time to somebody, a couple of people, actually, and all the things. Anyway, one morning, we finish up my mastermind call, and as usual, Michael and I go for these beach walks every morning. We manifest, we talk, we put our feet in the ocean. But before we do that, we always grab a coffee. And I'm switching to matcha or, like, um, ice long black or something. So we went to this new cafe, and we're waiting and waiting. It's a little longer than usual. There's a few more people there, which is fine. And we come around the corner, and I see this man, and he's dressed up in a suit. Now, what's so, uh, odd about this? We don't really see many people dressed up in suits where we live, because we're in a beach town. And I knew straight away he was a real estate agent. Like, had the vibe, had the energy, all the things. And then he so happened to have been putting out, like, an open sign for open for inspection. And it was in this gorgeous property that has literally just been built, and it's right on the ocean. Oh, my gosh. Anyway, I said, are you showing this property now? And he goes, I am. I'm like, how's this for timing? He goes, I'll come. Come in. Like, I'll show you around. And he takes us in, and it was truly this jaw dropping moment when we were in the house, and I looked over the ocean, and it was quite possibly one of the best views that I'd ever seen in our area. Like, not even exaggerating, probably in the world. I've traveled a lot. This scene was unbelievable. And Michael and I walked through all of the rooms. Oh, my gosh, it was so nice. It was like four bedrooms. Every single room had a view of the ocean. Absolutely bang on. And then we went around and looked at the rest of the amenities and all those things. Anyhow, we walked out, and we were just like, this is so amazing. And he goes, guys, the property is going to auction in an hour and a half. I'm not sure if you guys are, uh, ready, if you've got your finances ready, but if you wanted to attend the auction, we'll add you in. It's an online auction. You just have to sign in and blah, blah, blah. Anyway, we ended up chatting about it, and it wasn't right, because, once again, the property next door had been leveled. This is just the area we live in. And they were about to build, you know, a couple of stories next to this building that we just viewed. I'm like, no, I know that that's just being in a developing area, but I just do not want to be next to construction for, like, our fourth year in a row. Please. Thank you. But I wanted to share this because there was so much serendipity in that meeting. The agent going through a property that was, like, 80% there and noticing the things that we also didn't want. So in any moment when you're manifesting something, whether it be in life or business, you're always going to be shown something in your algorithm, and it's up to you to almost let the universe know less of this. More of this. This is definitely not something I want to see again. So we've literally just said no more construction next door or close by, and we want to have ocean views, and we're almost there. And I just took that as such a confirmation that we are absolutely on the right path, that everything we're wanting is on its way to us. And anyway, this agent called me back a few times and said it got passed in an auction. Would you think about buying it? You know, um, putting an offer in? And I said, no, just because we don't want the construction situation next door. And he said, great, you know what? We're still going to put you on the list for anything that comes up or is about to come up. And you will be one of the first to hear about the properties that match your profile. Great. So notice the goodness that is around you and noticing how whatever you're manifesting in the business, in your life, in your career, I really want you to be hyper aware of when the universe is literally saying it is on its way. And in the meantime, we're not hanging on so desperately and so tightly to it needing to happen at a certain time and in a certain timeframe. It's done in a really playful and delightful way, but also through all of the subtle shifts that you can literally apply to your day to day. Now, let's go ahead and talk about what that looks like. I just wanted to share that all of this is happening. So much abundance, so much overflow. There's something so powerful about not forcing things and about leaning into the quiet shifts. So whether it's a really peaceful morning routine that you're really feeling right now, or it might not even be peaceful. One of my amazing clients, Rochelle, she's like, Ruby. I just feel like my mornings need to start with something more explosive. And so she literally has taken up three mornings a week doing boxing. So she's like, I just feel so much energy, and I just really needed some more of that real, like, divine, masculine fire and flow, you know, in my system. So whatever it is that works for you, but it is still a, uh, sort of subtle shift in what you may have been doing day to day, and suddenly you're bringing in a new routine. Or it could be that right now, you're looking around your house, and this actually happened to me a couple months ago, and I'm like, I just really feel like I need to change something about the home. I need something more cozy that reflects my current style. Like, my house is very coastal, minimal, I would describe it. And I'm just really feeling like I want more plushy things in there and just, like, even my couch, which I only bought, like, a couple of months ago, I want a new one already and things like that. Or it could just be quality time. Like, I have been just obsessively wanting to be in Michael's energy a lot. Like, oh, I don't know. Like, even just thinking about it, I just want cuddles with him at the moment. I can't explain why that is. Like, it's not like we're not usually like that, but I want even more time with my best friend and, I don't know, just taking longer walks in the morning by the beach and having more discussions with him about life and all the cool things that him and I have done together in our partnership and in our marriage and all the dreams that are to come. Like, basically just wanting to be in more conversation with people that are really uplifting me right now. And on that note, I've spoken about this on other episodes. I have really manifested a brand new friendship group. So much of the friendships that I've had this year have really changed over. Nothing dramatic. It's just more people have been added into my mix of friendships, and so many are, uh, in my neighborhood, which I'm loving and I am being so drawn and pulled to doing long walks over sunset. I'm so lucky because I live in a place that just has the most stunning sunsets and we pretty much have like, gorgeous weather all year round. So it's like every night I've got a new girlfriend to go on a long walk with and I don't know, just have these moments. And honestly, these are the moments that create ripples. And before you know it, those ripples, they turn into massive abundance waves. Like, I want you to imagine being in a state where it just brings you so much joy. And even just asking yourself, like, why have you restricted yourself from experiencing those things? Because no matter how big your dreams are, I believe that you can still definitely either have them right here and now or replicate a version of that so you're not needing to wait too long to experience it. And therefore it starts to feel this sense of lack and you start to feel like you don't have the things yet. So let's say you're imagining, I don't know, eating a beautiful meal in an italian cave somewhere. You know, those like Instagram worthy restaurants that's literally in like a cave and you're looking over just the beautiful water in positano or whatever, you can still replicate that delicious meal and, you know, you can create the ambiance of what that looks like and it nourishes the body and it nourishes the soul and there's this satisfaction right within you where it just feels so, so good. Or maybe let's say you're in a space and time right now where you're wanting to move houses and you're over the environment that you're in. But right now, uh, it's just not the right timing for whatever reason, you know, financially or there's just stuff going on that you just know you're not going to be able to fully be in a new property. But, you know, maybe you can take some joy in decorating your home with a beautiful piece of art or furniture. I don't care if you're just going to buy something from Ikea and hang it up, it makes a massive difference. When I looked around my house, because minimal, I was like, no, no, we need to have more paintings and we need to have more print work up. And I just started looking on the all kinds of different websites, Etsy and redbubble. And I don't know, just fun ones that I find on Instagram shop. And I was like, great. I want all of these beautiful new posters. I'm going to get them custom framed and I'm going to put them up around the house. And they honestly just brought so much energy in the most profound way. It was like, oh, I don't know. It just felt different. It felt like I have made a change to my current reality and it's calling in the bigger things that I'm desiring to have. So there's going to be a lot of examples that may come up for you. The reminder that I really just want to put out there today is it's something simple, it's something subtle, it's something really, really easy. Maybe it's that you're working so much at the moment and you don't remember the last time you were able to book a holiday or just feel rested and feel relaxed. So why don't you just relax, curl up on the couch somewhere or in your outdoor seating, whatever it is, and just get a good book and. Or get that feeling of feeling pampered by getting your nails done? Or like, actually, this is interesting. I've stopped getting my nails professionally done. This is pretty major because it's been a really big part of my life stuff for the last three years minimum. I get Biab done builder in a bottle, and I've not stopped getting that done for three years. But I don't know, something is just like, give your nails a rest. I don't really want to put my hands under the uv lights so much, like once a month anymore. It just kind of freaks me out a bit. And I've just stopped going and I have natural nails. But then, you know, like, last week, I was like, no, I want to do something really different with my nails. And I started looking up some nail art and some fun things that we could do there, and I just went and got myself some five dollar nail polishes and I was pampering myself. I just got my nails done on my own and just lit a candle and watched my latest korean drama. Like, these are the things that add up. And it's never the most expensive things either, that make you feel in this energy. I mean, yeah, there's moments where you just want to splurge and you want to have something that's just like, so bougie and so for you, but it's this energy of whatever it is that makes you feel uplifted. I can't tell you how accomplished I felt filing my nails and getting them so perfectly shaped and painting it the way that I wanted it to go. It just I don't know, it just made me feel so happy and joyful and I'm still looking at them now as I'm recording this, going love them. It's just this really cute color called time and money. But time is spelt like the herb and it's the same sort of color as the herb, so. Oh, anyway, so cute little things like that. Hey, guys. I am going to briefly interrupt this episode, which I hope you are absolutely loving, and let you know that I have a free resource to help you connect deeper to the energy of impossible success. This is an eFT tapping emotional freedom technique, one of my favorite ways in order to help connect the body at a cellular level to my bigger, uh, desires and goals. In business, you are going to love it. If you've never done it before, it's going to be a whole new incredible experience. Link is in my show notes, so go ahead and grab that for you right now which you can listen to after this episode. Okay, let's head back. But coming back to the main point, it's the energy that attracts the big stuff, guys. The opportunities that I've had. Oh my goodness. The connections, the breakthroughs, the money flow. So much of it has come because any time that I felt really stuck or like things aren't really moving fast enough and I'm getting really annoyed and frustrated by it, I have to remind myself to start with the subtle today in the morning, I went and bought some fresh flowers for my house. Oh, uh, got up 08:00 on Saturday morning. It's Saturday at the moment I'm recording this and I'm like, I'm going to go get a smoothie for my hubby, a coffee for me and a couple of bunches of flowers. I settled on a few bunches of tulips, my ultimate favourites and also snapdragons. Oh, they're so beautiful. I just went with white ones. Cause classic. And I put on the cutest little outfit Saturday, you know, athleisure vibes. And it made me feel so confident. I chucked on my favorite playlist in the car. I have a beautiful mercedes that I drive around the beach town and I'm just like, oh my God, I just feel so next level. And you know, my spirit instantly, like I cannot even tell you, lifted. And that was just such a key part of how I started my weekend, how I started my day. Trust that these small intentional upgrades are really, really laying the foundation for something so amazing in your life. Whatever you're manifesting these small changes, they become the freedom to believe even more. And the easefulness comes from that. Another example is maybe it's the freedom right now that you're looking for is to travel and explore really new places. So who's stopping you from packing a cute little picnic situation and driving 1 hour from wherever you are and finding the cutest little park or going somewhere in nature and just having that thrill of adventure and discovering something new and having really heartfelt conversations with whoever you're going on a picnic with, or if it's just for yourself, getting that good book and creating that Pinterest worthy image just for you. You know, whatever it is, these little joys, they add up to something so amazing. And I really want you to understand that a lot of this comes from a place where it's not about spending more money to have more in your life. If that's your belief, that's fantastic. I've definitely had that belief before. It's just not the season I'm in. I believe that the magic is in the details and that it's in this really subtle, intentional choice that leads to the really big stuff. You know, start with the things that are feeling really small and easy for you, especially if things are feeling stuck or you're not, as it doesn't feel as easy to drop into the zone of like, yes, I can have these things. Like, for example, what's on your dream board right now? I, uh, just. Have you got that close by? My dream board is always the lock screen on my phone. So I'm always looking at my dreams. I'm always looking at the things that I desire. So. Okay, let's see. I've got tennis on there, so really cool. I've been playing so much tennis this year, so that's happening. I've got a really beautiful, minimal lounge room area that sort of represents just my cozy space. I have another image with, like, I don't know, 500 people in a zoom room. So that definitely has happened this year, which is so cool. And it's becoming more normal than not now. So that's really awesome that's happened. I've also got an image of a dinner party with lots of wine glasses clinking and good friendship. So, yes, that's absolutely happened for me. And I have workout staff, I have some of my personal motivational people, like Victoria McGrath, who I love, Paige Lorenz, who I love. And then I have this image of Africa. You know, I've just been so called to go to Africa in some way. Like, my next dream trip is to go to Mauritius. Then Tanzania and just have that experience with the family. So all these things, right, like really, really big dreams. And I think about all the subtle things that I've done to achieve that, or know that I'm on the way to achieving that. Even Africa right now, like, we're in August, almost September, we're in September, and I'm like, all that coming to play sometime in 2024, or is that next year? And then my mind might start going towards, oh, that'd be really nice to just have a bit of a safari holiday. But if that's not, right now, fully on the cards, then maybe me and the fam can just go camping and see the wildlife around Queensland. The old bush turkey or brown snake. Hopefully not a brown snake, please. No, no. I don't know why I said that, but you know what I mean. It's just these are beautiful things that help you really take actionable steps to call in more of your business flow, more of your manifestation flow, and subtle things that really changes up your reality. So that that happens. I always talk about this example of, with my masterminds and my private clients, that some of the most simple things you can do, like even upgrading your underwear, it's so fascinating, isn't it? Do not underestimate actually changing up and upgrading your underwear. Treat yourself to something new and something sexy or something comfortable, if that's more of your vibe, something well fitting. And do you know what? Here it is. It might seem like such a small, insignificant change, but when you feel good from the inside out, it impacts your confidence, it impacts the way that you're showing up for yourself and that energy overflows and spills into the business, just like, you know, with your workspace or your morning routine. A small, simple upgrade is absolutely going to be the key to boosting your energy, your frequency, your mood. It's going to help you tackle even the most annoying things when you feel good doing that. Like, I know that when I get my m hair done, or I just have put a bit more energy and effort behind my makeup for the day or my skincare the night before, my skin is glowing and I'm doing the most annoying things in the business, like tech stuff or whatever it is, I still feel amazing doing it. And then I catch a glimpse of myself walking past a. I don't know, like a mirror reflection. I'm like, damn, she's looking good today. And it's nothing like external, it's internal because I know that I've really put a little bit of extra energy or something that reflects that extra pep in my step. So these small changes, they create really big ripple effects. Do not overlook that, especially when you are wanting to enhance your overall manifestation power or you're wanting to just, um, get unstuck with the current cycle that you're in. Like, really take a look at certain things. I really, really hope that this has given you the inspiration that you're looking for. And I know a lot of you messaged me, actually, after the accessing new levels of flow and wealth affirmation track came out a couple of weeks ago ago. And you've said that you've noticed how different you feel and how that's prompting you to refine your morning routine a little differently, or upgrading your workspace, or noticing that you haven't really allowed yourself to indulge in some of life's small pleasures. Buying a bunch of flowers and things that we've talked about in this episode. So, on that note, go ahead, incorporate some beautiful, small, intentional actions, and I promise that you're going to start seeing a very noticeable shift in your flow. Let me know if this episode was inspiring for you today. However, it is that it really hit home. I want to hear what examples actually resonated with you the most. Come on over to Instagram and send me a DM. My insta is underscore Ruby Lee. Um, underscore. I just love hearing from you guys. I'm getting so many more messages every single week about how each episode just really, really hits home. Please share them with me. The small changes that you're going to make, because I think there's some things that I'm not even seeing that once I hear it from you. It's like, yes, I want to do that. That feels like that's something I would love to have in my life as well. So share and share alike. Love you all so much. I hope you enjoyed this one. If you did, I would love it if you could leave a five star review. It just makes such a massive difference to the podcast. It is climbing up the ranks every single week, and I'm so grateful for all of your support, as always. Okay, until then, check out the show notes for any cool things that you might want to jump into, and I will catch you in the next episode. Bye, my loves.