Flow State Business

Holistic Approach to Lead Generation

Ruby Lee

What if you could turn your lead generation into something that not only grows your business but feels completely aligned with your energy? In this episode, I dive into the shift from relying solely on Instagram to embracing a more holistic approach to attracting high-quality leads.

As entrepreneurs, we know that keeping our business thriving isn’t just about creativity; it’s about staying connected with the right people who truly resonate with our message. Lately, I’ve been in deep conversation with many of you—whether through my masterminds, mini-minds, or one-on-one sessions—and there’s a common thread: the frustration of feeling stuck, especially when it comes to finding new clients and growing your audience.

In this episode, I share the shifts I’ve made in my own lead generation strategy over the past 18 months, moving away from the old ways and into new spaces where the energy feels more authentic and connected. We’re talking about the importance of having a clear, tangible promise in your lead magnets—something that your audience simply can’t resist.

If you’re ready to shake things up and find a lead generation approach that feels magnetic, this conversation is for you.

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Okay, can I just say that you guys absolutely ate up last week's affirmation track episode. It is by far one of our top performing podcast episodes of the entire year. And that just says something about where all of you are at and really, really in this space where you are sinking into what is possible for you. You're stepping further and further into flow state. You are just desiring and quenching up this goodness that is an affirmation track. If you haven't already listened to it, go and jump in after this one because we are going into more of a strategic episode and I am really in this kind of phase and this season where I am so excited to help more and more of you really understand the strategy behind the energetic work because ultimately where a lot of you are feeling quite stuck at the moment. And I know this because I am serving over 70 of you in person right now. We're having some form of contact one to one time. You're in my groups, you're in my mini mind, you're in my masterminds. And collectively, all of you are going through some sort of similar feeling where you are feeling quite plateaued and frustrated and stuck. Not so much around creativity and not so much even around your belief in the business, but where are you getting your clients from and how are you attaining new leads and new eyeballs on your work? Now, this is, I'll be honest, this sort of topic that I generally don't talk about too much because, you know, like, there are so many great people out there who specialize in the legion. There are so many people out there who can talk about it till the cows come home. And whilst I know that I have a really great strategy with Legion, I'm not that person that's going to break down every single amazing, up to date, new cool thing that you need to do in order to get your email list going. I really just want to set the standard here. I'm just like a business owner who has a system and it works and there's a cycle and I'm proud of it and I love it and it has brought in so many beautiful, aligned clients my way. And I have less than 10,000 on my email list for a couple of reasons. One is we clear out our list every year so that it stays really clean and I have a really great open rate. And if people are reporting me as spam or you guys just aren't opening my emails anymore, once a year we do a massive clean out and you just won't receive them I'd rather that in many ways, than having kind of like, this redundant list of people who just don't really resonate with my stuff anymore anyway. That's a different thing. But also, you know, we keep it nice and tight. Like, I think it's really nice to have a list that is super engaged. And it's been a really, really cool part of our journey where it's not been about the numbers, but it's been about the connection. So, with all of this being said, I wanted to just give you the lay of the land that I am not a lead generation expert or specialist, but what I do creates great sales. It keeps the business going in a really beautiful way. It's what has helped me create a multiple million dollar brand. And if I can do it, you can too. Like, in all honesty. But so many things have changed and shifted, even in the last year and a half around lead generation, that I have personally also pivoted my own strategy around. It just ever so slightly, nothing too crazy, but just hanging out in different places and finding something that has really worked. And I've also noticed that the people who have done it the old way, such as, you know, trying to scream down the Instagram Stories, echo chamber, are, uh, feeling increasingly more frustrated with that. And I just want to help you see things in a different way. So, as I'm speaking, I also want you to know that I've decided to run a much deeper, uh, workshop mastermind style training around this, because I know that I'm not going to be able to cover everything in a podcast episode. Plus, it's very visual. I want to screen share and show you some statistics and show you the marketing around it and the copy around it. So it is going to be a workshop where I'm going to show and tell my best five lead magnets of 2024 so far. I mean, we're pretty much in September, and so nearing the end of the year, I can already tell these are going to be in the top ten at least, of my amazing opt ins for this year. And what has really helped me grow the business in such an exciting way and, uh, a really authentic way as well. And so, yeah, anyway, keep that in mind. I will link the workshop in the show notes below. It's called magnetic leads. And I think you're just going to get so much out of it, especially if you know that really it's sort of time to shake things up. Okay, so let's talk about what's not working to begin with. Let's get that out of the way. And if you're doing it this way, I'm guessing this is why you're feeling really frustrated. So if you're really, you've got a really cool idea and you have a type of opt in that's either something that people are going to download and use. So I love these opt ins examples. I've got a cash flow spreadsheet called cashing in on flow which helps you project your 50k months and beyond. I also have an EFT tapping so many of you off the podcast have downloaded that so you can download that and use that. These are really great self use tools that you can simply apply into your business. I also have types of opt ins, like three day events, which I know a lot of you have also attended. These are more workshop masterclass style, almost like coaching for three days with homework. It's very hands on, it's challenge style. It's really bustling and there's so much going on there. And then I also have opt ins that are uh, more like a one off masterclass that you would watch and I hopefully draw some inspiration from. Now. In the past, I would solely be relying on Instagram to grow my brand and my business and obviously growing my leads and having people join the email list in this way. And that worked really beautifully up until about 18 months ago because of a few factors. One was the end of the, let's call it COVID pandemic season. Everybody was back to work and not online so much. The algorithm changes. Let's not even get into the thick of that. And also, people were just really exhausted with seeing how many resources were out there online that you might have even done this too. And I know I have where just basically a lot of people unfollowed a lot of service providers and classic Internet marketing style type of coaches. And it just got like a little bit too much and really, really overwhelming. I totally get that. I really, really understand that. So if you're there as a business owner and you're thinking, I want to grow my email list, what's missing right now? And if you're thinking that people are going to simply sign up for free stuff and that's going to be easy, and that is the secret to growing your email list, I really want you to critically think again. And this isn't all meant to be doom and gloom. I'm just stating why things are possibly feeling a little stuck and just really putting yourself in the shoes of your consumer and your most ideal client. Like, you know, I know for me in a world where I'm opening up my emails, I sometimes do feel really bombarded with all the offers that are out there. And I have to ask myself, like, rups, how are we going to stand out in a really compelling way that gets people to sign up to something that I really, truly believe? And then I really, truly backdeze. But right now, I know that my stuff is getting lost in this haystack. Even if the intention is of my email subscribers to come along, there's no guarantee that they're going to be able to make it live. Of course, like, not everybody who opts in are going to make it live. Or that even if the intention was to opt into tapping or a meditation, people are not necessarily going to do that straight away. And then when that's not done straight away, they'll forget about it and it'll be sitting somewhere in the depths of your dreaded email inbox, you know? So a freebie strategy really needs to be more than just giving away something for the sake of it. And it definitely requires more pizzazz. I don't know. I've never used that word before. Anyway, let's just go with it. It needs more pizzazz than just a really boring opt in, like a checklist or something that just feels lifeless. Don't get me wrong, I do feel like there are some awesome checklist out there that's absolutely needed, but there are some that are just so generic. And you just think, I could have googled that or that's just sitting on Pinterest. Why would I need to download this off you? So we do need to, even more crucially, have a deeper understanding of what really resonates with our audience. Right. It's not just about what you think they want, it's about knowing, without a doubt, what they can't resist. That irresistible offer, uh, that tangible aspect to it as well. And this is what has really helped me sign up an average of 375 new leads every single month without fail. And I've done this so consistently throughout the course of the year. And I've done this without having a crazy paid ad, um, campaign. In fact, zero spend on an ad campaign. I've had boosted a few things here and there, but I haven't boosted to take people to an opt in page. I've boosted to get people to see my profile on Instagram. That is, however, not the primary strategy. Where I have been hanging out mostly is on LinkedIn, Facebook, and also those of you who are opting in off the podcast itself. So, so many things that I just really want to peel back the layers on. And again, as a reminder, if you want to go into deeper levels with me about how I've done it so that you can draw inspiration from it, I'm definitely not about to say this is the exact strategy where you can get 300 leads a month. Um, it's just what's working for me. And if you want to see behind the business of another entrepreneur, this is going to be so worthwhile. So go and check out the show notes below. Look for magnetic leads and you will definitely just enjoy it deeply. We're doing this on the 3 September. If you're listening to this after the 3 September and you're not able to join the live because it's done, you can still purchase it. So click on the link below. If this is something that you know is a gap in your business right now, what has really got people to sign up for free in my world is that I get very clear on the tangible outcomes and the promise that I am delivering on. Whether it be a tool that you use, like using this cash flow tool will help you see where your 50K months are going to come from, and it's going to help you work backwards as to what activity you need to do in order to set the belief system and manifest your 50k months. That's very, very clear tangible outcome. I am, um, let's say running a LinkedIn personal branding three day event. The overall tangible outcome of that is that you'll know how to set up your profile, you'll know how to navigate through LinkedIn at a very basic level, and you'll actually be able to plan out your first hundred days of content on LinkedIn so that your personal brand begins to really flow and you're getting a better understanding of your message. Do you see how these freebies are almost like paid offers and paid trainings? Because the way that I market them are very much in that energy. Right? Like, you need to really think about it from a game changing perspective of knowing that your leads are going to come in and expect to have some kind of tangible outcome off the back of it. Otherwise what might happen is that, yes, you will have leads come in, but they'll just sit there on your email list and they'll kind of forget why they're there. And there's no real initial exchange of, you have provided me value in some form and therefore I'm going to keep following you. I, uh, know that sounds really black and white. I know that sounds just like maybe even a little harsh. But isn't that the case for you? Like, why would you stay on somebody's newsletter list? Or why would you stay on someone's email list where you would want to hear about their promos? It's only because you know that there's something of value that could possibly come in handy based off where you're at in your life, in your business, in your finances, and in your health. Right. As examples. So what do I do exactly? A little sneak peek behind the curtain of how I bring in 375 on average. Fresh leads every single month. I operate on a four to six week cycle for generating new leads. So what does this mean? I am every four to six weeks either creating something new or just bringing in something I've already done before. So, for example, I've done quantum productivity twice, cashing in on flow probably six times now. Grow your personal brand on LinkedIn in 100 days. I've done that twice now. I have the EFT tapping that's just open, evergreen, consistently open. And, you know, so many that I have actually just brought back in cycle. But there's also sometimes I'll do random new ones, like six figure open house was an experience that I wanted to bring people into where it was a, uh, mock kind of experience of my amplify mastermind, which is made for six figure business owners. That was a smash hit success. It was amazing. We had 70 people on the inside of this mastermind experience, and every single one of the freebies that I have created has resulted in sales. So it's not like it's just done and then nothing happens off the back of it. And also, I'm doing it with a cost of hundreds of dollars, not thousands. So there is still a cost behind it, whether it be boosting. I'll talk about it more in magnetic leads. What I'm paying towards and how I'm using my support team to also help me grow those leads as well. But much, much cheaper than thousands and thousands of dollars. In fact, I'm talking hundreds, a couple of $100 every single month to generate my leads, mainly on Facebook and LinkedIn, and a sprinkle of support from the podcast and Instagram stories and other channels to keep the momentum going. So really, really cool. And, you know, like, I was reading this crazy stat the other day, and I hope that, oh, that this isn't most of us, but I think in reality it just happens to be this way where this was. By the way, on founder, 70% of people are not using strategies to attract new leads. And they either miss the mark entirely or put out offers that don't resonate, and therefore not a single person actually opts in. Maybe that you felt that before. And what's happened is that this turns into this major problem in terms of lifeblood for the business, because if you're not generating consistent quality leads, what's happening? You're simply not growing. Your income is stagnating. I was actually speaking to one of my clients today in a private call. Shout out. Sasha and her and I were just riffing on new leads and growing our audiences and what we're doing and what's working. And, you know, what's really come through is that if you are not measuring your success based off new leads alongside the income that we're generating, then you're really missing a huge proportion of how you measure business success. Every single person that you look up to in business is growing because they are also doing big things with lead generation, not just in terms of selling. I'm a huge believer, if you've heard any single thing that I've talked about, I'm a big believer in retaining your most aligned clients. So I'll record a different episode on how we get those clients continuously coming back for more. But we're really talking about the top of the life cycle here. So if your lead magnet isn't truly magnetic, you're not just leaving opportunities on the table, you're letting them walk right out the door and into somebody else's door. And there is a craft around what type of lead magnets work really well and what feels really easy. I've done a whole other class on this, actually. On the 12 July this year, I hosted a free three day event called fearless selling. And that was walking through how I fearlessly sell through the free event structure. One of my clients who bought feel of selling has come out the other side and filled her mastermind up. Um, and another client of mine who's done it is just like Ruby. I just made $10,000 in sales doing it this way. But what came from that particular class where people were saying, rube's like, we love this and we want to do this and we're going to put this out there. But halfway through it, we realized that we don't actually have anyone to have sign up to it. You know, I just want to say that's very, very good that you're aware of this, because for the most part, a lot of people aren't aware of it, and they walk into something like this strategy quite blindly and then just go oh, my God. Like, I didn't have a single person who's interested in this. So magnetic leads is really going to help you see what doors to open. And I think it's really also going to bring a lot of clarity around your message, help you articulate that, but also know how to generate leads in a really powerful way. I mean, if the main thing you take away from it is I don't know how to create tangible goodies for free, and you take that away as a form of practice and, you know, expansion, that's going to be huge for your business. So once again, I am hosting a new 90 Minutes workshop, magnetic leads. In the workshop, I'm going to show you how to create your lead magnets that attract and convert. I'm going to show you behind the scenes of my top five opt ins in 2024, what I did to have 375 people, on average, opt into each of those and how I converted them to over 100 grand plus plus plus worth of sales without spending a big amount of money on Facebook ads. Like I said, not into the thousands, into the low hundreds of dollars to get my leads really leaning in. And not only that, bringing in high quality leads without breaking the bank. So if this is exactly what you're looking for, if you want to identify your audience and what they actually want, and if you're looking for the secret sauce, so to speak, on other lead gen strategies, this is definitely the place that you want to be. So jump in if you're ready to level up your lead gen game. I honestly cannot wait. This is going to be such an expansive moment for you, especially because, like, you might be now going, oh, my God, like, it's almost September and the business hasn't really done the things that I've wanted it to do. It's definitely not too late to ramp up now. In fact, I just want to say this is the time that businesses online really ramp up. We've got so many key dates coming up as well. You know, we've got things like Black Friday, which is coming up, one of my favorite times of the year to really go big with selling. We've got mastermind season, which is coming up. We've got year end Christmas sales leading up to December 31, where there's lots of goal setting, dream boarding activities. So many great things. This is the time to do it. Okay? So jump in. I love you so much. Thank you for listening. If you have any particular questions about Legion and those sorts of things, come into the masterclass and workshop. I know you're going to love it. I'm going to leave a lot of time to answer your questions personally as well. Okay? On that note, have an amazing rest of your week ahead, and I will catch you in the next episode. M uh, bye, my loves.