Flow State Business

Building a Spiritual Business Empire: Lessons from Biddy Tarot's Founder

• Ruby Lee

In this episode, I had the immense pleasure of hosting Brigit Esselmont, the founder of Biddy Tarot, a global leader in tarot education. This episode is particularly special to me as Brigit has been a significant influence on my spiritual journey, especially in understanding and using tarot.

Brigit shared her journey from working in corporate to building Biddy Tarot, and how it evolved into the thriving business empire it is today.

Brigit's wisdom and insights into using intuition for business were truly inspiring. She emphasized the importance of balancing intuition with other sources of information and shared how she uses tarot to guide her decision-making process. It was fascinating to hear about her personal experiences with tarot and how she integrates it into her business strategies.

One of the key takeaways from the episode was Brigit's perspective on valuing the services we offer as spiritual business owners. She highlighted the importance of believing in the value we create and how that mindset shift can impact our success and confidence in charging what we're worth.

If you want to deepen your understanding of intuition in business or explore the world of tarot, be sure to check out all the Brigit links below.

Where to find Brigit Esselmont:


  • Get my 90 Minute Productivity Flow Track here
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00:00:00 Intro
00:02:28 Introducing Bridget Essler
00:04:28 Bridget's Journey with Tarot
00:08:07 Early Days of Biddy Tarot
00:09:18 Balancing Corporate and Tarot
00:11:01 Using Intuition in Business Decisions
00:12:05 Decision to Leave Corporate Job
00:16:03 Using Tarot for Business Decisions
00:21:47 Starting to Explore Intuition
00:29:24 Running a Spiritual Business Empire
00:35:44 Personal Growth and Vision
00:39:03 Spiritual Business and Wealth Creation
00:43:30 Current Projects and Offerings

I'm just wondering if any of you use an extension of tools to really be guided by your intuition. One of my favorite ways to be guided is actually through tarot. So I know that this is not going to be for everyone. But I wanted to introduce this subject in this topic because it is so specific to those of you who do use extended spiritual tools. And for some of you, it will be crystals. Some of you, it will be, you know, tokens that you may use. Oils, for example, smells is a really big thing. I just have this one deck of cards. It's the Rider Waite tarot deck, which I've had for years and years. And it is so precious and so well used to me. that the card deck itself is honestly, it's so old. Like you can even tell it just looks crusty, but it has so many stories. It holds so much energy for me inside of the business. And in today's episode, I have, oh my gosh, one of my OG spiritual mentors, and she didn't even know it at the time, but it was someone that I would often refer to. And I would visit her website, BiddyTarot, over and over again, sometimes several times a day in order to understand the cards so much better. And I cannot believe it, you guys. I have Bridget, S1, on today's episode as our guest. She is going to talk to us about using intuition for business, especially in the new paradigm that we are entering into. As those of us who love to study business, I absolutely quiz Bridget on how she grew her Tarot Empire into what it is today. I am so excited to pick her brain, sit down with her, discuss all the wonderful things on flow and trusting your intuition and trusting yourself when you are a CEO and someone who is at the helm of an incredible incredibly huge spiritual business empire. I know those of you who have spiritually led businesses are going to really soak up this episode. Bridget is today the owner of BiddyTarot.com. She's also an intuitive business coach, a speaker, an author, all the wonderful things. So without further ado, let's dive in and meet Bridget Essler. Welcome Bridget to the Flow State Business Podcast. I am so thrilled to have you here. Thank you for being here with us.

SPEAKER_01: Oh, it's my pleasure. I'm excited to have a chat today. We're going to talk about some really cool things.

SPEAKER_02: The best things, and I know I've already told you this, and most of my audience may know this, but I actually first discovered the beauty of all things tarot and intuition. I'm not even kidding, literally through your work. So this is such a massive full circle moment. I still remember I was sitting in corporate and it was just this moment where, you know what it was? I picked up a magazine. I don't know. It was probably Cosmopolitan. It was sitting in the office. And it was the star signs page. I was like, Oh, I love me some star signs. And it was very, very early on in my real sort of spiritual awakening journey and remembering this big spiritual side to me. And then there was this other little thing about like tarot and intuition. And so I Googled tarot, learn tarot and. Your SEO is the best in the game, I have to say. It was like top of the Google search and that's it. One by one, I was learning from you what each card meant. And over years and years, your website, BD Tarot, has been the key resource for me to really learn tarot cards. So honestly, thank you for just doing what you do. And you've been in the game for a long time, but thank you so much for continuing to Be this beacon.

SPEAKER_01: Oh, thank you. So, yeah, it's absolute honor to be able to help so many people and, you know, around the world. This is why I love the Internet, because it means that, you know, from this little room here on the Sunshine Coast, like we can be supporting so many people and you'll be having that same experience too, like where you can impact so many. So, yeah, absolute honor and so exciting that you found us.

SPEAKER_02: Oh my goodness, of course. Okay, so we want to know how it all began for you. I was sort of joking with you where I did my research and it said Biddy Tarot was established by Bridget in 1999. I'm like, no, that can't be right. Is that true? Oh my gosh. So tell us about the moment that you decided that this was going to be your thing.

SPEAKER_01: Yeah, so I actually came across tarot when I was about 17 and I had my first tarot reading. I was about to head over to Germany on this high school exchange and my friend and I thought, okay, let's find out what's going to happen. And so we have this reading and the woman pulls the Emperor card and she goes, Ooh, you're going to fall in love. It's going to be amazing. And I think, Oh yeah, whatever you tell it to everyone. And so I go on this high school exchange, I fall in love a number of times with a number of cute boys. Um, and I'm like, Oh, as you do when you're in Germany, why not live it up, you know, be the special, like the Aussie exchange student. But yes, I came home from that trip and I thought, Oh, this is like this tower thing sounds pretty interesting. I'm going to learn how to use the cards and then maybe I can impress my friends. and tell them that they're going to fall in love, all of these things. So I got my first tarot deck when I was about 18. My mom gave it to me and I started learning how to use the cards. I found like lots of books and I would sit there on my bedroom floor and I'd be pulling cards. And the more I got into it, the more I realized this was so much more than just like a fun party trick, that there was this really like deep spiritual element to the tarot cards. that just started to really call to my soul. Like even in my teens, I was very spiritual. Um, I learned a lot about different religions and different spiritual practices. And so tarot was this tool that started to bring everything together for me. Now, as I'm learning, I was also studying commerce at university and learning, you know, accounting and economics and all these like boring topics. And I, really wanted to have another outlet for more of my passions and my creative interest. So I thought, well, I'm learning about tarot. Maybe I could start a website. This is at the start of the internet and start sharing what I'm learning. And like literally websites back then. Um, I don't know, you were probably like three years old, you know, 1999 or something, but I don't know if you remember websites then they looked horrific. And, you know, yellow highlights, things flashing, right. They used to call them flash banners for a reason.

SPEAKER_02: I picture like the dollar store advertising, you know, like it's always like red and yellow or some hideous combination of colors.

SPEAKER_01: Exactly. Yes. It was just, it was full on. So it was actually very easy back then to create a website that people might think is, you know, half decent. Um, so I actually, I didn't use like, we didn't have, you know, these, what are the page builders we have now. I literally learned how to code in HTML and I sat there in notepad writing the HTML code, uploading it, and then hoping for the best that it would load onto the site. Okay. Anyway, so that was kind of the birth of Bitty Tarot in the late nineties. Um, All I really wanted to do was just find that creative outlet and share what I was learning about tarot. Um, for that first sort of 10 years or so, uh, it was really again, just a hobby. And then I started learning a bit more about internet marketing. Um, I read Tim Ferriss's four hour work week. He started talking about, Oh, he could actually make money out of what you enjoy. I'm like, Oh, that sounds interesting. I'll give that a go. And so I started selling e-books and offering tarot readings like for $10. And it was all, again, just all fun and games really, but really driven just by that desire to be of service and to help people. And so, yeah, that's kind of the short, like the story of really where Bidi Tarot began. And then of course we've blossomed into a whole Bidi Tarot brand. Empire. where, you know, we have 18 people who work for us around the world. We have, like, I think maybe it's about 12, 13 million people who visit the website every year. We have tens of thousands of students who've taken part in our programs, all from that little seedling, you know, back in 1999.

SPEAKER_02: Oh my goodness. Did you ever end up working for corporate as well whilst you were building out the website and the business? Yeah. You ended up working in commerce or accounting?

SPEAKER_01: Yeah. So like once I finished, I did like the honors degree in commerce, and then I actually went on to do like a master's degree in human resources while I was working full-time in corporate. So I had a good sort of 10, 15 year corporate career. in management consulting and strategic HR whilst creating Biritaro on the side. Because, you know, I think that's kind of what happens when you're very multi-passionate and you want to have a number of different things. I remember also like near the end of my corporate career, I was in more of a large bank and it was going through a lot of redundancies and just the vibe was very low. And while everyone's going out for coffee to whinge and complain about what was happening, I booked out a meeting room and I'm typing up my ebook for my website and learning how to do internet marketing and making the most of my time and still having people go, Oh Bridget, you're so productive. How do you get so much done? I'm like, you don't know half of it because I'm also building my business here at the same time. So that was kind of this marriage between corporate and, you know, creating a new business.

SPEAKER_02: That is the best. It's like a corporate side hustler working on building a highly intuitive Tarot business. That is so inspiring because I know that there are so many of my listeners who are literally in that same desire bucket right now and wanting to make that a reality. And it just goes to prove, you know, you don't need to have all of the answers, do you? It's just taking that one next inspired step, which then leads into, you know, what you have now. And I'm so excited for what is coming up for the business as well for you and how you're growing out the brand. I would love to ask you, because this is going to be, especially for those of us who are leaning more on intuition and how to use it. And I just, I've always wanted to have this discussion with you. How do you know, how to make the right decisions when it's based on your intuition. And please do bring in how you use tarot for this, because it's, I have my own little way, but I've always wanted to pick your brain on this too.

SPEAKER_01: Yeah. So I think it's important to balance intuition with other sources of information. So I don't necessarily, I don't make decisions based 100% on intuition. I'm using intuition as another source of information to help make a really guided decision about things. And I think, you know, even just that decision to leave corporate, which was for me, it was in 2012. Um, I think that was actually a really good example of where I balanced intuition with more sort of like logical analytical thinking. So I'd reached a point in my business where, um, I was generating like a hundred thousand dollars a year, just out of doing readings eBooks. And because I had traffic to the website. I had ads on the site and they were generating a really good chunk of revenue as well. And so like, you know, logically it made sense. I was getting more or less the same that I was getting in my corporate job. And so it made sense that like, okay, I could probably jump ship right now, but there was still part of me that was like doubting it and going, Oh, I don't know, like, is this a good idea? I've spent like all these years building up this career and so on. And so I started to pay attention to my intuition. I paid attention to my dreams. In my dreams, I was, I remember telling one of my best friends, like, I'm leaving corporate. And, you know, she was like, and the feelings of that and like the excitement and like, oh yeah, actually that felt really good when I said that I'm leaving corporate to be a tarot reader. Um, I was doing tarot readings, right. And, you know, each time I'd check in and go, should I like leave my corporate job? And at the start it was all these reversed cards, which to me are like, eh, Maybe not, it's not quite ready yet. Like things are not quite lining up, but then all of a sudden all those cards flipped into upright cards. And I was like, oh, okay. Yeah. Things are like shifting. Wow. Yes. And there were, you know, other things actually, I kept making these deals with the universe. I'm like, all right, universe, if you're serious about this, if you think I really should like switch careers right now, then help me make this amount of money this month. And you know, the month would go and I'd hit that target. I'm like, okay, um, I'm not sure if that was a fluke or not. Can we do it again? Let's go next month. Okay. I want to hit this number and then I'll get to the end of that month. I'm like, okay, so two out of two is pretty good, but I need a third. Like you've got to show me like the third month and then hit it again. And I was like, okay, I think I get it now. And, you know, I think that's like, um, this is what happens with intuition. Like we actually do kind of make deals with the universe that maybe we do doubt those first few times that the universe says, Hey, it's a green light. You know, you can do this. And we go, are you sure? Are you sure? But having these multiple different signs, um, can actually really support feeling confident that actually, yes, things are lighting up in the right direction.

SPEAKER_02: Oh my gosh, this is so helpful. Okay, I'm going to pull my cards closer to me because I always have them at my desk. How many decks do you have, by the way, at home?

SPEAKER_01: Well, I have a lot. I'm looking over here because I do have a lot. And you know what? I'm very lucky that many people would like to send me tarot decks, but I do say no now because I've got enough. and I really only carry the decks that I feel really connected to. But when I'm looking here, there's probably about at least 30, 30 or so. Oh my gosh!

SPEAKER_02: I would just love to come and have a play because that's the thing when you're choosing your deck, there's, there really is a spark, at least for me, when I pick them up or whatever and I'm flipping through the cards, it can be something like the artwork doesn't quite resonate, but the words do. And then there's just decks where it just, you know, sings at you. It's like, pick me up and take me home. But the one that I am, that's always around my desk when I'm at work is the, just the classic, the Rider Waite. And I just love it. It's like so old now, you know, it's like brown around the edges. So disgusting, I've used it so much. But I want to, so this is what I'd love to hear what you do as well. So let's go a little more specific. So if you're making a business decision, so I don't know, let's say you're thinking about hiring someone and you're scaling out the business and you're thinking about hiring someone like a big role in your company. Do you use Tarot to give you guidance on a shortlist or on certain people? Let's say you've logically went, this person has the skills, they have the reputation, they've been reference checked, they're great. Do you use the cards to kind of pull and go, have I made the right decision? Are the questions quite black and white in that sense where it's just like, all right, shuffle the cards. If it's a yes card, then you would use that as a big fat yes. Or is that something that you would still consider as it's a balance and you have to really use the whole picture to make that decision?

SPEAKER_01: So, yeah, I do like to ask what might I experience if. I select this person if I do this certain project.

SPEAKER_02: Oh, I love that. So it's really open.

SPEAKER_01: Yes, because I am a massive advocate for free will and we are empowered to decide what we do. So when you ask something like, should I do this? Then that's kind of giving away your power. Or did I make the right decision? Again, it's already happened. So you kind of disempowered. But if you ask what might I experience if I do this, it just shows you an outcome. It's not even a yes or a no. It's like, is this your desired outcome? Cause then you get to go, well, do I really want that? Oh, I don't want that. And then you get to decide, no, I don't. I'm going to take that path or I'm not. So, but the funny thing is like, let's say, yes, hiring just hypothetical because you have brought that up. let's say you do pull a card like what might I experience if I hire this person and you pull it and then it's really challenging when you've had amazing interviews and you're like I've got such a great connection with this person and then you pull that card and it's an undesirable outcome and you're like come on Tarou you can do better Then you need to reshuffle, let's go again. Oh, I must, I wasn't concentrating.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah, pull another one. Tough it out, tough it out.

SPEAKER_01: I always record though that first card because like, I'm not kidding. It nearly always, it always manifests that way. And you might get through a couple of months, like let's say you really love this person, you hire them and you get through like a month or two, you're trying to make it work, that bloody tarot card. just goes, nah, this is actually where it's going. And then you think I could have just saved myself a lot of money, a lot of time, a lot of energy if I'd paid attention to it. But this is the challenge of like actually fully 100% trusting your intuition because it's hard. Sometimes it's hard and it might feel like, why would I say no to this person if they look absolutely awesome and things are going really well? Why would I say no just based on this one card? Sometimes actually, though, we need to have the experience of the failure of it not working so that we can continue to trust our intuition even more and go, ah, yes, I need to listen to it next time. So I don't know what's been your experience when you've pulled those cards, because you look like you can relate to that.

SPEAKER_02: I'm just nodding so much over here. I mean, I love your guidance around asking about what the experience would be because I have to say in the past I've been very much kind of putting a bit of a stranglehold on the tarot just going give me a yes or a no you know tell me is this is this going to work or is it not but you're right because I think back on certain people I've hired or even just let's say do I take this client on if you're working with a client who you're going to have a lot of one-to-one time with And there's something in your gut that's like, Oh, I don't know. And then I would turn to the tarot and ask, should I sign this client? Is this right? And it's interesting because then if a card comes out and it's challenging or it's in reverse, I'll go to Biddy Tarot and have a look at, Oh, what does this mean exactly? But also, you know, I'll be like, okay, maybe I'll pull, maybe this is my version. I'll pull three cards and form the story. So if there's if I need more information or if I just want to form more of a storyboard I love doing more so that. I definitely don't know very fancy spreads or anything like that but it's just I like like a three card story or if it's if I'm looking at the week ahead I'll do a seven card story. I don't know if that's like the right but that's just my intuition how I like to read it. But that's typically how I would use it, but you're so right, because I will then take that, I'll journal on it, and then let's say something does happen down the track or a lesson comes up, I'll literally go back to that journal entry, I'm like, there it is, that's what it was. And maybe it was that I just didn't interpret it at the time in that way, but seeing it, you know, they say hindsight's that 2020, you look back and go, Oh that's what the tarot was trying to say and all I just didn't pick up on that.

SPEAKER_01: Yes yes yeah I've had that happen so many times it's gonna be very frustrating.

SPEAKER_02: It's frustrating and fascinating and I love what you said about it being about You need to go through it to then get the real answers and get the real lessons. So I adore this. Now, for someone who is listening to this and going, oh, gosh, you know, these ladies, they just seem to kind of already have a knowing. How would you help someone who's just starting out to explore intuition in their business and in their own life, you know, extended outside of business? What would be a piece of advice that you would give them to help them really tap into their inner wisdom?

SPEAKER_01: I think intuition does not have to be complex, right? So I think oftentimes the misperception with intuition Is that you've got to have like these crystal clear visions of exactly how everything's going to turn out, you know, or like the angels start speaking to you and you get the downloads and suddenly you've created a year long course in like one day and like it sells for a million dollars, you know, like all these things, right. Cause we hear a lot of these stories and you know, they're true and awesome. That's amazing. But intuition does not have to be like that sort of. clear cut. I think when you get down to like what intuition really is, it's just about being able to listen to your inner voice and to be able to hear that. And to get to that point, all you need to do is have some silence and some space in your life. And I think we're kind of in an epidemic right now of like busyness. We have phones, which means that any spare moment that you have just to sit, we're often on the phone. Oh, maybe I should just check my email while I'm sitting here or let's see what's going on Instagram. So we're not actually allowing ourselves time and space. to be able to drop in and listen to our inner voice. And so I think one of the easiest things is just to put it into your calendar, maybe one day a week that you have like one or two hours, you go and sit in nature, on the beach, in a park, even just at home somewhere where you won't be disturbed and just sit and listen. And listening like literally is just exactly that. And here's the thing. I like have done a lot of like meditation and I go in and out of meditation and I get frustrated with it because I sit there and go, well, what's the point of this? Like, like what's going to happen? And so then I don't do it because I think, oh, well, I could use that 20 minutes for something else. But every time I actually do sit down and do that 20 minutes, I, you know, I'm like, oh, wow, that was an insight that I didn't anticipate. So you've actually got to do the work of not working and having that time and space. Um, for the insights to start flowing and the first session, you might get nothing other than just a little bit of relaxation, but the next session, you might just get a little inkling of like, Oh, actually maybe I should focus on this. And then the third and the fourth session, maybe you get really big insights. Then the fifth, you might get nothing again. It's about like flowing with it. Um, but always having that space, uh, for me, like every Thursday morning, I go and sit down at the beach. I take my journal. I just sit with the ocean and the sand and the birds and we just kind of tune in for a bit and I let my mind clear and then I just start journaling, like what is it, what does my higher self need to know right now? What is it trying to tell me? What's kind of, what needs to be cleared? What's coming through? And just having that space just to listen. So again, it's not complex, I'm not getting Like I don't have to see the rest of my life, you know, as if it's like a movie made for me. I don't have to hear the voices. I'm just trusting whatever comes through at that point in time. Yeah. What about for you? What do you do that helps you to tune into your intuition?

SPEAKER_02: It's so similar actually I think because we're both so you know blessed and lucky to live right by the beach. I'm on the Gold Coast and you know one block away from the beautiful beaches here and I don't have a set date because that's interesting that you every Thursday that that's what you do. For me it's like more so when I have a clearance of no obligations, like just knowing that I kind of have this free run and I can be there for as long as I want. But I'm really drawn to go during sunset. Now in winter, sunset's at like 5pm here at the moment, but we go at sunset and it's so cool because I'll go down and I just think, oh, I'm going to be the only one who's sitting there meditating, but around me I'll see there's you know someone doing yoga, someone doing a headstand, someone literally sitting there with their skateboard and they're just like staring at the sun and you're just listening and it just kind of gives me this really lovely faith and understanding that there's so much awakening happening you know it's not just it does it's not an individual thing where you feel it's just you and you have to be alone in your intuitive journey. When you're aware of it and you look around, I think, you know, there's definitely so much more reception to it now. And it's so nice to have this collective energy of just taking in what the day has given you and. listening to your intuition in that day. And, you know, like even this morning, I had this sort of weird mood thing going on where I just, you know, when you wake up and I'm like, I'm not in a really positive headspace today. All I was focusing on was like, oh, it's Friday today. And what have I achieved? And I should have done so much more. And geez, I didn't even move that thing at all, even though I thought this week I could. And that's when I kind of just sat down with my cards and with my journal And I just started pouring out the gratitude and then just pulled some cards, you know, like I'll tap on it and just go, okay, is there anything else? Are there any other messages that I need to listen out for or what, you know, anything that I need to journal on or ask my high self. And then whatever the card is, it'll prompt me towards focusing the journaling on that. And it's, it's so lovely, you know, just to have that it's, it is like an extra little voice that helps you and guides you.

SPEAKER_01: And then, and then the neat thing is like the rest of your day is actually so much more productive because you took out 30 minutes, an hour or whatever, even five minutes is enough to set you up for a really productive day. Whereas when I just rush into a day and I don't have any kind of reflection time, that's when I start doing, pulling like an eight hour day where I'm like those last few hours, I'm just churning, doing like stuff that doesn't have any impact and Whereas if I'm more intentional and go, okay, I know that these three things are actually the most important things I need to do today. And what feels really aligned for me that particular day and so on.

SPEAKER_02: Hi, my loves, I hope you are loving this episode as much as I have loved creating it for you. I'm quickly dropping in to let you know of a flow tool, which I think you will love to have alongside you in your business and definitely your more complex goals that you might be setting for yourself. This is a tool which is steeped in flow science. It's a 90 minute audio flow track. filled with my favorite lo-fi productivity beats, and it is soaked with the best subliminals to help you call in more focus, more impact, more income, and more productivity than ever. If you are wanting to experience this level of time dilation, of folding time, of getting more done in a shorter period of time, then this is what you'll need in your business. I'm going to leave the links below. And for now, let's head back to the episode. Definitely. Oh, okay. I want to switch up a little bit to running an empire and, you know, you, we definitely know this, you are one of the OGs in building an online business and, you know, just seeing all the trends and seeing Instagram coming to play and TikTok coming to play and Facebook groups coming in and out of favor. As a CEO and someone who is at the helm of such a well-known brand and business, How do you lead yourself authentically through all of the changes that come along and all of the tools now AI, which, you know, we had a discussion on Kerry's podcast about that. What's, how do you lean into what's right for you and your business?

SPEAKER_01: It's definitely evolved over time. Um, you know, for good, like, well, all the way up to probably about 2018, 2019, like I was, leading the business. I was not only being like the teacher and the content creator, I was growing the business into the team of 10, 15 people looking at all of the marketing strategies, business strategies, and so on. But I got to a point where I was like, I will not be able to grow the business further if I'm doing all of it. Even though I had a team around me, I knew I needed to have someone in place. to actually run the whole business and the strategy and so on so that I could up-level again and be really in that visionary space. So where I'm at now, I have wonderful COO who runs the business, does a lot of the strategy development and then coordinates with the team to get stuff done. That way she can stay up to date with the latest marketing strategies and, you know, whether we should do paid ads and You know, we're currently in a tech nightmare, like all the things. Right. And then God, you know, I'm across it, but thank goodness I'm not responsible for trying to fix it all because it means I can stay in a place of really thinking into the future, creating like, how can I serve our community even more? I'm creating new content as my team's figuring out all of the tech stuff and, you know, all the clunky stuff. But I think that has actually been the key to my survival over the long term. is creating a strong enough support system where I've got other people worrying about what the latest trend is and doing stuff on social and so on, so that I can stay in a place of service and really deep alignment with what the whole energy of what it is that we are offering because I know if I get stuck into day-to-day business stuff I can't do all of that awesome stuff and then things kind of sink down.

SPEAKER_02: That is so refreshing to hear and that's something that I know personally I've been very back and forth with especially I'm sure you hear this a lot how do you give up that massive part of your business to somebody else who you have to you know, unequivocally trust, especially in terms of the marketing, your personal brand, the strategy that comes alongside that, and, you know, also, no doubt, the investment that's made into hiring people at that level as well. How did you finally learn to let go and just allow that to happen? Or was it just really natural? Were you just so willing at that point, just like, take it all, just have it?

SPEAKER_01: It's been a journey. It's been a good five-year journey, and it sort of happened quite organically, but it definitely, you know, it's a good few years of Kayleen, our COO, and I working out how we work together and establishing and building trust. Um, and also, you know, for me as like a founder slash CEO, a lot of it had to do with the identity shift. And I'd built this business into a very successful business. And to then start to like, remove myself from that role was hard. It was like, what do I actually, what do I do? What's the purpose of my life? Like, how am I now adding value? I had to really get clear that my adding value is me keeping my energy really high frequency. me staying focused on content, um, and delivery of that specific content and, you know, holding the vision for the company. Uh, that took a long time for me to really embrace because I'm such a work driven person. So I think like, Oh, I should be doing more to like manage the business and so on. So, um, it was definitely an identity shift for myself in being able to let go. building up and establishing trust, which took years and a lot of tears and a lot of strife. But I think we're on the other side of it, which is awesome. And yeah, now I am at the point where I'm like, you know, I don't have time or energy to worry about this small stuff. So even though it might not be exactly the way I would do it, I have to be. Nope, it's all yours. Cause if I get too involved in it, I know I burn out. And here's the other thing, like when I was in a bit of a burnout state a few years ago, what I realized was a few of my team were resigning. And then I started thinking, well, how come they can all resign? I can't like, there's no way I can hand in a resignation letter. Right. And that was really, I resigned to myself. I was like, if I resign, there's no Biddy Tarot anymore. Um, and so I realized like self-preservation is absent, like it's critical. So it's actually really important for me to make sure my energy is really good and really strong. I've got it. I've got to be in this for the long haul, you know? Uh, so yeah, I can't really afford to be running the business and, you know, being the visionary, being all the things, cause I will not survive that long if I was in that place.

SPEAKER_02: Yes, that is such an important reminder. And I want to actually just hear your definition of what you mean by holding the vision. So what, what does that feel like viscerally for you, but also how do you continue to, yeah, communicate that into the team culture? What do you do as the founder to be like, guys, can we just get back on track here? This is what it looks like. And let's say the vision does change ever so slightly, like how how do you work with vision?

SPEAKER_01: I think what I'm learning more and more is to really invest time and energy into my own personal growth and transformation because that then impacts clarity of vision and like the frequency of the vision. So for example, I've just come back from three weeks in Peru and that was Um, actually part of a 12 month like apprenticeship that I'm doing around, uh, like the path of the medicine woman. And. I mean, I have no idea how I'll integrate that into my work, but what I do know is that it's, it's up leveling me as an whole energetic entity that is having a ripple effect on the way that I can hold the vision for the business. So. for me it's like it means keeping myself continually growing and evolving and always doing the work just to keep clearing out you know any density and just anything that's no longer like serving me and my path because that then helps me get clearer about when when I'm thinking about the future of Biditauru, I can be clear about what that is. Now, I don't, I'm not necessarily someone that goes, all right, three year vision, this is what we're going to do in year one, then year two, then year three. But I think it's more, I'm learning more. It's less about what I'm doing, but more about who I'm being. And so really stepping into this fullest version of myself, trusting that when I am that person, all of the doing will flow actually very easily and naturally. So the being is very important. So through more of that transformation stuff, but also through managing my energy and so on. And so that when I am talking with my team or talking with our community, I'm coming at it from a place of like real strong alignment and resonance and, you know, higher frequency. I still haven't quite nailed, like, this is actually the tricky thing though, of when you separate, like, if you have someone running the business, you know, that also means getting out of regular meetings and with someone with the team. And I haven't quite nailed, how do I, I've got a very strong connection with my COO and she filters that through to the team, but how do I make sure I'm still connected with the team without feeling like bogged down with regular meetings and so on? So that's, you know, to be continued.

SPEAKER_02: Yes. And it's, you know, you want to be there as a present founder and energy for everybody, but you also know deep down, it's not the best use of your time to be in operational meetings all the time. I totally get that. I have a question that a lot of spiritual business owners discuss, right. And it's, And for someone like you who's run the business and you've seen it grow over the years and it's just this beautiful sustainable company and you know there's so much excitement that's coming up. Do you as a spiritual business owner ever feel a level of guilt? or what's your relationship been around that serving at a spiritual level and calling in really big money goals or really big goals around maybe even your own personal wealth and how that, you know, obviously translates because, you know, looking at you and everything you've created, your business just feels really enriched and wealthy and embodied and there's something so sovereign about it. And I know it's because you've held the vision around that. And that's just the, the vibes and the, you know, the frequency that comes from it. But how do you work with that? I'm sure you've heard a lot of spiritual business owners also say that, you know, they can't charge what they think they're worth, et cetera. And I love your story, how you started with $10 readings and that, you know, that was your beginning times, but would you mind sharing a little bit about your journey there?

SPEAKER_01: Yeah, I, I've really shifted my mindset so that like whatever, um, I guess like wealth creation or revenue, whatever the, the, the money coming in through the business to me is a reflection of the value that we are creating as a business and the value that we create for our customers who are then reflecting that value through a financial exchange. And so I am, I'm always focused on how do we create value for our community? How do we create a transformation that's going to have value for that person in the long run? And I know, and I trust that money will come from that place. I think what happens when, and I hear it all the time, like I do, and I've even, you know, people try and shame, like us and Biddy Tarot, oh, why are you charging so much? Whatever. I don't know. Just, I don't even hear any of that anymore because I'm in a different mindset. But I get that that comes up for people. And I think when we peel back the layers of like, why is it that you're feeling guilty about charging money for spiritual service? is because you don't actually value it, like you don't see the value in it in yourself. And it happened to me, like early on in my time, people would ask me, oh, what do you do? And I'd go, oh, I'm a tarot reader, but I used to work in corporate. And it, you know, like every time I showed up, but I would show up that way and then people would just be like, you know, they walk off. They're like, but when I started to create like more, um, financial reward in the business, I started to believe in the value that I was creating. And I was like, yeah, I've actually got proof and evidence that I'm creating value for people. And this is having. a positive impact. And so then people would ask me, what do you do? And I'd show them and say, well, you know, we're like the global leader in tarot education. And now people go like, Ooh, that sounds so interesting. Tell me more like people I would never expect. And it's because of the shift that happened in me. It has nothing to do with what, if people judge tarot good or bad, it's how I'm showing up. And so I know it might be a little bit triggering or challenging, but if you're struggling with like guilt about charging money, think about how am I actually valuing what I do? Do I see value in what I'm creating? And if you don't, then you've got to start shifting your mindset and start looking for evidence of where you are creating massive value for the people that you're serving. We are like, it's huge.

SPEAKER_02: Oh, it's so true, isn't it? It's how you speak about it. And I totally, I had the biggest laugh when you said, I also used to work here because that was the thing that maybe at some point was, you know, an anchor of worth, you know, that somebody else, a big company told me I was worth six figures doing this job and therefore that's my anchor of worth as opposed to this little side business that I'm building. But over time you get your words around it and you get the power, your personal power behind it. And to have that claim, nobody else is going to come along and put that crown on your head. You know, you've got to pick up the whole damn crown and put it on your own head and say, this is mine. And I was always meant to have this. Oh, this is so, so empowering. Thank you so much, Bridget. I honestly feel like I could have a lot more discussion with you on all the wonderful things. Can you please let us know, you know, what are some things that's going on in the business right now? How do we work with you? Are you taking on individual clients at the moment? Tell us all the things. Fabulous.

SPEAKER_01: Well, I'll first speak to like Biditauri Land and then I'll also speak to my own kind of like personal coaching and business mentoring. But in Biditaro, we are doing a lot of things. So there's, I'm actually, I've written a book called Intuitive Manifesting, which is very aligned to what we've been talking about today. And it goes really deep into how you can start to manifest using intuition as a guide in that whole process. So that comes out in the end of October. If you just go over to like BiddyTarot.com, we don't have anything quite yet, but it will be coming very soon. So head over to Biddy and we'll let you know as soon as like, you know, you can start pre-ordering the book. I think actually, no, I think it is on Amazon. You can pre-order it already on Amazon. But yeah, so intuitive manifesting. I'm also working on a whole new level of certification. Certification is about using Tarot as a really transformational coaching tool. And I think it's going to be quite revolutionary in the way that it works with Tarot. So I'm excited about that. But I mean, at Biddy Tarot, we've always got different things going on. We have our certification program, we have ways that you can just start to learn more about the tarot, just go to bittytarot.com forward slash shop, and you'll find all of our offerings there. Um, and you can also sign up for our weekly like card of the week, which is really fun. And that way you get notified of what else is coming up. Uh, but in my space as well, I do off offer intuitive business mentoring, which is a blend of using business strategy and intuition to grow your business. And you can find that over at Bridget.me. Now it's Bridget like digit. So B-R-I-G-I-T dot me. Um, and you'll find me over there. So yeah, lots, lots of different things going on.

SPEAKER_02: Do you have to say that a lot, Bridget, like did you? I do now. I love that so much. I see, I never feel like I need to spell my name right because it's Ruby like, you know, a gem. But because of bloody Cotton On and their Ruby brand, R-U-B-I, I swear how many people write my name with an I now. I'm like, are you kidding me? And they're like, oh, just like the Cotton On brand. I'm like,

SPEAKER_01: No, I'm the gem. I'm not the cotton on brand. Thanks very much.

SPEAKER_02: It's hilarious. Thank you so much. Honestly, you have been wonderful to have on here. Thank you for opening and sharing all the parts of your business and the embodiment process as well. I've absolutely loved talking to you, Bridget. It's been just gorgeous. And hopefully we can do a part two at some point as well, once the book is out and I want to hear all about the next level of certifications that are flowing through too.

SPEAKER_01: Fantastic. Well, thank you so much to Ruby and you know, it's really inspirational, like what you're sharing with your community. particularly around like intuitive business. We need more of it. It's, I think it is like the way forward. I think it really is our strategic advantage. It's not just a little fun thing to do on the side, but it's something that makes a huge difference. So good on you also for sharing more of this message with your community too.

SPEAKER_02: Thank you so much, Bridget. I'll see you soon. Ciao.

SPEAKER_00: Yeah.