Flow State Business

How to Shift Realities and Go from Wishing to Having

• Ruby Lee

Have you ever experienced the power of setting clear intentions and visualizing your desired reality? Imagine waking up in your dream home, feeling the sunlight on your face and smelling the fresh coffee brewing. How can practicing detachment and patience actually accelerate the manifestation process?

In the podcast episode, we delved into the concept of shifting realities from wishing to having, using the example of manifesting a dream property. By setting clear intentions, visualizing the desired reality, and practicing detachment, you can align your actions with your goals and allow the universe to work its magic.

Curious to learn more about the energetics of flow and manifestation in business? Dive into the full episode for deeper insights and practical tips. And don't forget to share your thoughts and experiences on social media to continue the conversation!

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 00:00:00 Intro
 00:01:31 Shifting Realities: From Wishing to Having
 00:03:38 Critical Thinking in Manifestation
 00:05:14 Setting Clear Intentions
 00:07:09 Visualization and Emotional Connection
 00:12:05 Positive Mindset and Gratitude
 00:16:29 Detachment and Taking Action
 00:19:41 Practicing Patience in Manifestation

You are consolidating a memory. You're telling your brain, this is what we want to have more of. Please send more of these experiences our way. And flow is often experienced when there is a very clear goal to strive for and you're providing a sense of direction and purpose for your vibration, your frequency, your mind, your skill set to work towards this thing. And it doesn't need to be, you know, set in stone on paper for that to happen. Focus on the next step, focus on the process without it needing to be the only outcome.
Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the Flow State Business Podcast. I'm so happy that you're here. I've just come back from a beautiful walk along the ocean, smelling the salty air and listening to the kookaburras. I think that really makes it so quintessentially Australian where you have the ocean breeze and then you can hear these crazy birds going absolutely nuts in the bush behind you.
If you don't know what kookaburras are, some of you have messaged me about this before randomly. Go and Google it because they are the cheekiest looking birds and they have a killer laugh. Like their laughter is the best sound to me anyway. And it always reminds me to get playful and be less serious and just enjoy and enjoy the world that we have in front of us. You know, that's really, I feel the spirit of the kookaburra. And it really does tie in so beautifully to what is on my heart to share with everybody today. And that is how to flow when you're shifting realities and you're going from wishing to having exactly what you want.
And this is really, really cool because this topic has been very much a my own reality in the last couple of weeks and months, I have really started to begin to see all the seeds that I've been planting over the past year inside of the business, always growing, always stretching, always desiring to have more and more. And there's nothing wrong with that. This is the human experience and learning how to let go and surrender in the process of wishing that this thing would happen faster for me and now actually having it. and noticing the 3D, the reality of it being so, so real. And I really want us all to enter into this discussion and this episode holding up a particular dream that you might be having right now. It could be a goal, a desire, an intention, whatever you wish to call it, a wish, and using this as an example all the way through this episode so that you can also begin the application process, which is what we love in Flow Science, where you are listening and you're soaking in everything that I'm sharing and there'll be certain pings that you're getting. So don't ignore the little light bulb moments and it can be very random but I might be helping you trigger a certain memory or a certain idea and it's got to do with the desire that you're holding. So let's get stuck into it.
And talk about the concept of shifting realities. So this is often associated with the belief that you can move your consciousness and your perception to having a different version of your reality. And this is when your desires are manifested, when what you're calling in becomes a reality. You get to touch it, taste it, feel it, sense it. And this idea is often very intriguing for a lot of people. It's something that you might be on the fringe of it going, oh, how do they do that? Or I really want to learn how to have more of this into my life, into my business. But I want you to know that it's very important to approach it with a healthy dose of critical thinking.
So, this is the how component. This is why I love flow science because there's a lot of how behind the brain and its operation and how it soaks in manifestation, but also understanding the concepts of the law of vibration. So, where your frequency and your vibration is at, it also becomes a match for this new consciousness level. the desires from wishing to having starts to form and it starts to become this new very real reality. And this can often begin with thoughts and with things that you're seeing. It's no coincidence that you're starting to notice different examples or different people talking about what you have. Where it might feel uncomfortable is maybe getting triggered by others having what you have and you're feeling so far behind.
I really want you to know that the only reason why that's coming up in your reality is because it's showing you how possible it is and it's showing you that you're close to it. It's showing you that this is now very much in your field of possibilities, not just some far reach. And this is where I feel a lot of people, they manifest the thing that you might be journaling and you might be saying it in your prayers and your wishes of the day. And then it shows up in your Instagram feed or your Facebook feed and you're like, Damn it, I don't have that yet. This is crap. And then you walk away from it. That's not the goal. This is not why it's in front of you. It's showing you your vibration is starting to reset itself and therefore it's calling you up and it's calling you into a new way of thinking.
So here is how we start to really begin this shifting of realities. And this is of no surprise. The first step that I want you to do is set very clear intentions. This is the first step to a lot of success in individuals' lives, whether it's a sports star, pro athlete, someone who's a fortune 500 CEO, or someone who's doing eight, you know, 10 figure years in business, there is always a clearly defined desire around what you want to manifest in your reality. Now, it doesn't have to be super specific. So this morning on our walk, me and my husband, we were talking about the next property that we're calling in and how we want to have much bigger land. We want to have an office space that is maybe like a granny flat style out the back of the house where we can turn it into a studio. I really want to have enough land to build a tennis court because I'm a tennis girlie and obviously a pool for the kids and my son's crazy social life and he has so many mates, so it's really nice to be able to have the expansion there. And then Michael said to me, do you think that we now need to like go and set big goals and actually step it out for the next month, six months and 12 months? And where we landed in particular for this desired reality going from wishing to having is no, we just flow into it. we're already doing what we're doing, but the intention and the goals that we're setting is specific in terms of we know where we want, what sort of property we want. We generally know where we want to live, like the area that we want to live in and also invoking the emotion. So then he went on to say, Oh gosh, like last week, cause there's all these, what do you call them? Not lottery tickets, but you go in and you support in Australia, the RSL, which is yeah. the veterans who've been to war, et cetera. And you get into, I guess it is a lottery, you go into this competition to win houses. And he said to me last week, damn it, I was so certain we were going to win a house. And the conversation went from there, we were laughing about it. And then I said to him, what would you do if you did win a house? How would you break the news to me? And this was cool because we're walking down this pathway looking at this beautiful lifestyle that we've created. He's telling me about how he would do it and the surprise and he goes, oh damn it, now I can't do that. I'm like, of course you can. I would, you know, totally love that and there'd be different versions of that as well. But this is you now learning how to feel into the intention, feeling into the emotion, feeling into the reality of how that happens. So definitely do that if you have a partner, friend, Mom, dad, someone that you can really share these things with. It's so, so great because from a flow science perspective, you are consolidating a memory. You're telling your brain, this is what we want to have more of. Please send more of these experiences our way. And flow is often experienced when there is a very clear goal to strive for and you're providing a sense of direction and purpose for your vibration, your frequency, your mind, your skill set to work towards this thing. And it doesn't need to be set in stone on paper, et cetera, for that to happen. So focus on the next step, focus on the process. without it needing to be the only outcome.
Okay, so we don't want it to solely be a fixation of yours, that this is the be all and the end all, and then you start to lose that playfulness, like the spirit of the kookaburra, or you start to lose the joy of what it could feel like. You know, how, for example, Michael would break the news to me, that is joyful, that is playful, the vibration is high around that. There is a real cultivation of awareness and thoughts and emotions without it needing to be locked in like a ball and chain and therefore you feel a real heaviness around not having the thing. Okay, so set your clear intentions.
Hey guys, I am going to briefly interrupt this episode which I hope you are absolutely loving and let you know that I have a free resource to help you connect deeper to the energy of impossible success. This is an EFT tapping emotional freedom technique, one of my favorite ways in order to help connect the body at a cellular level to my bigger desires and goals in business. You are going to love it. If you've never done it before, it's going to be a whole new incredible experience. Link is in my show notes, so go ahead and grab that for you right now, which you can listen to after this episode. Okay, let's head back.
The next thing I really would love for you to do is this idea of connection. We've already spoken about this, but in a deeper sense, raising your vibration through visualization techniques. And this is imagining yourself already in that desired reality. And for me, how this would look, especially with the house example, is I can actually imagine myself waking up in the morning, overlooking the pool and the 280 degree views of the ocean and of the beautiful bushland here in Australia and making my cup of coffee. I actually can even see the coffee machine that we've got. It's fancy and it's nice. I go and sit by the pool area. I journal for a little bit. The sunlight hits the deck in the most Pinterest worthy way. The shadows, the palm trees are swaying. Then I walk out a little bit down the way and I go to my granny flat office studio that I've redone. It's got its own little kitchenette area, its own little bathroom and a beautiful studio set up. Me and my assistant and my interior design team have set it up in a way that it looks camera ready and it's beautiful. And once again, the daylight is so natural in there. It's so beautiful. And I'm in this visualization right now, even as I'm explaining it, I've got my eyes closed and I can always smell it. I love beautiful smelling rooms. And I've talked about this before as to why I love working in hotels as well, because the scent is always just so Oh, it's so beautiful. So I've got the place smelling gorgeous and the windows are open. And I begin by opening up my laptop. My coffee is set. I've got some snacks ready to go. And I'm about to go live into my mini mind or my mastermind. And it's just a perfect day. And it just feels so nice to be able to have this knowing that after I finish off in my office, I can go for a beautiful stroll down to the beach and grab lunch somewhere. Maybe it's nachos or something. really nice and, you know, just building out the visualization of your day. And even just saying that I could keep going by the way, but all of my senses are on smell, touch, sight, vision, everything. It makes the experience so vivid. It makes it so possible. Because of this, my vibration is raising. My frequency is raising. This is science, right? When you are in this place of elevated thought, they've done so many studies where your frequency level and how you actually connect to a new level of vibration raises. It's unbelievable when you see that. There is some belief that maintaining a positive mindset, and this is really often taught in positive psychology, high vibrations can also very much come through the form of things like gratitude. So your five-minute gratitude journal plays a big part in that. Meditation, of course, so when you're meditating, whether you're choosing to do it assisted or non-assisted, so silence or with guidance, when you're entering into a state of meditation and you're allowing yourself to dump all of the attention residue that's built up over the day, and you are purely in your soul body and you are in this place where it is so pure, there's no interruption, there's no distractions, there's no doubt, there's no fear, there's no insecurity and you are just in this space where anything is so possible. There is something so real about that.
When you're in this state of raised vibration, you can start to explore very creative pursuits and it helps you align to this desired reality and it helps you have this unwavering faith that your desired reality is as attainable as you knowing that you're going to walk down to the cafe, order a matcha latte and there you have it, you've got it, right? That you have and that you do deserve it. And moving from that energy of I wish I had this to I have this, now what this does is that it shortens the timeline because your brain is beginning to look for examples. It's beginning to look for solutions. The way you speak about your desire may not be so flat out to say as to say I want to have this house and therefore hello client, you need to pay me all this money so that I can buy this house. But the way you show up is with more authority and it's with more noteworthiness that you start to attract higher paying clients because you know your worthiness is so much connected to the desire that you have in terms of the way you want to lead your life.
So this then leads me to the act of letting go, the act of allowing that detachment around limiting beliefs and the doubts and even just this idea of acting as if and starting to live your life as though you're already in your desired reality. Sometimes I can feel like make-believe. Were you good at make-believe as a kid? I actually think a lot of kids are naturally such powerful manifestors because without having all the noise of adulthood, so to speak, they're able to just be in their desired reality. My son, he is 100% certain he's going to be a famous soccer star. I love this and I have to be very mindful about what I say. There's obviously my mother brain, my mother mind going, oh, you know, maybe you should also help him see there's other options because the reality of that happening is that, is it the 1% of the 1%? I'm like, no, he needs to be in this field of unlimited possibilities as long as he can because what a time, like he's eight turning nine. What a time to really build up what big dreams looks like. And I know during this time, I was already having conversations with adults around me of, this is reality. You've got to work hard. You've got to study hard. But I think about my son and what he's seen and how we've grown our life. That's just not been the case for him. He's got this beautiful expanded mindset because he's been able to act as if every day, make believe, play, enjoy.
And if this means not sharing it with the people closest to you because they're going to be a wet rag on your dreams, do it in your own time, but also start calling in others, people, friends who also want to make believe with you. Two of my amazing Amplify clients, they are also business best friends and they go on these like quantum leap dates, which I love. I've actually also heard Gala Darling talk about these dates where you go out and you manifest and you go and tour the area or the houses that you want to buy, or you go and test drive a car that you want to buy, or you go look at a piece of land that you're wanting to build your wellness retreat on. Go and have those days once a month, once every two weeks to really help you act as if and to start dumping that you know, the beliefs that don't work, because the more you show yourself what's possible, the faster they come to you.
And ironically, when it comes to detachment, whilst you're actively working towards your desired reality, the detachment happens quite naturally. It's only I really see the question come through where some clients will say, Rubes, how do I detach? You're not detaching because you're not doing the work. For the most part, I'm going to say the reason why you're so obsessively thinking about how you're going to get what you want is because you're not taking the steps and the actions day to day and therefore it amplifies everything that you're not doing and therefore it amplifies the attachment. Does that make sense? So trust that the universe is going to help you get everything that you want, because we are worthy beings. We've made a decision to be here on this timeline, to have everything that we want, and everything that we want is already set in stone for us. It's a given. It's not an impossible success, it's inevitable, but that's where the belief system needs the work. How do you go from impossible to inevitable?
Listening to this episode, for example, is going to help you shift certain mindsets and certain perceptions. And I want to share with you that a lot of the detachment starts to fall away the more that you show up as your most aligned being according to the desires that you want. So I now know, I've given this house example, so we're going to run with it. I now know that I'm going to have this property and it's already on my timeline. However, based on our current financial flow, this property and the level that we want to buy at is probably about three years away. And that's not too far away. That's great. I can work towards that. However, I would really wish for that desire to happen much sooner. And I'm now working on the frequency and the vibration of cutting that time in half. What would it look like if we could have this property in 18 months? And even so, I've been working on 18 months as a vibration and I match to it. I feel matched to it. However, now I'm like, whoa, can I pull it forward a little bit more? Could I pull it forward a little bit more? What would it look like if I am manifesting a million dollars into my account by the end of this year? That would shorten the time period by yet another six months and therefore I could have that reality in 12 months and things will start moving and shifting.
I swear the last time that we did this, especially around property in a big way, is we had someone knock on our door, a real estate agent. saying, I've got interested buyers. You know how they do that? Love that. I've got interested buyers in your property and in your area. Would you be willing to sit down with me and talk about what your property would go for? And that began this whole cycle of becoming a digital nomad, of letting go of our assets. So that could happen now. I mean, I'm not really wanting to sell our property, but if there's an amazing offer which comes through, that could be an option. Keep an eye open. Keep your ears open. Be open to the networking opportunities that come your way. There's going to be a lot that happens when you drop into this vibration of elevated beliefs.
Detachment happens when you match your expectations and your actions to your desired reality. That is how you detach. And honestly, I'm going to leave you with this. Practice, practice, practice patience. Manifesting your desires of shifting your realities may not happen overnight. I say may not because it has happened overnight for many things in my own personal life, but because I've detached from it from needing it to happen overnight, I have a level of resilience and patience and persistence and the persistence doesn't come from needing it to work. It comes from knowing it's already working. That's the difference.
So I hope that this has really helped you understand how to shift your reality from wishing to having. And try me out. Send me a message on Instagram around, this is where I'm at. I wish that I've got this, but I don't have it yet. What would you do in this situation? I'm so happy to just riff and have a bounce of ideas around with you to help you really explore these concepts of setting clear intentions, visualizing to raise your vibration, which will also help you dump the beliefs that don't work. and how to detach and act as if so that the patience that comes through has a lot more sovereignty around it rather than hecticness and feeling rushed around it. Sometimes we just need to tell ourselves the slowing down is what helps. the universe speed up. Because when you're rushing and you're attaching and you're needing, think about somebody in your world that is like that. They're just meddling and they're honestly just fucking up the vibration because they're just so hectic. That's sometimes how it feels when you are in such a rush for your manifestation to come through. Whereas when you're laid back and you're just like, you know, it's happening anyway, my desired reality is already happening. It's already shifting. The universe is doing its thing. It knows what's best for me, even if it doesn't completely happen straight away. This is what is going to help you bring in your desired reality even faster.
So I hope you loved this episode. I love talking about the energetics of flow and how it works in business. If you did, I definitely share it, but let me know on Instagram what has really hit home the most for you and I will catch you in the next episode. Love you guys so much and I'll see you soon.